I am exhausted! Waking up is a challenge each and every day. I need more sleep but I have to work and keep moving. I have responsibilities to my family to my friends to my boyfriend to my job, an endless list. Now I also have to get myself ready for grad school. But I am so TIRED. The mood swings come more frequently. I gain some weight. My immune system seems down since I get all kinds of infections. I want it to stop! I have to help my sister with my nephew’s first birthday party, but I am so tired! I feel awful and frustrated because I want to be there but I cannot. I get into arguments with my boyfriend for meaningless things. I want all of his attention but I cannot get it because he has his own life to live. He tries and fails, nobody and nothing can make me happy. I am miserable. I am ready to plead insanity, until I read a book that explains it all “The Thyroid Solution” by Ridha Arem. It was my bible and explained all of the chemical imbalances caused by hypothyroidism. I recommend the book for any person with thyroid disease. I spoke to my new social worker, JL. She tells me I should understand that this is just a funky place I am in due to my hormonal imbalance, but I have to have faith that things will get better. I heard it but I did not listen.
i liked JL, comment, that you're in a "funky place". it gives it a sense of normalcy, even when it's not.
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